Bayside Arts Festival
The Brief
Bayside council holds an annual Arts festival to celebrate local talent. The festival has been growing in size and was granted funding for the next four years. Bayside Council wanted to create a new visual identity for the festival to promote it’s growth and longevity.
The Solution
The design inspiration came from the waterside location of the council and the diverse community that reside there. Designed to brighten the streets of the council, the Branding elements include patterns, a vivid colour palette and custom designed font. The bright, friendly colour palette reflects the diversity of the council and is brought together with patterned elements. The design utilises shapes that can be rearranged to create new images to promote the events within the festival.

Skills flexed
Branding, design strategy, illustration, font design
Something to be be proud of
I pitched this design to the council and was selected to develop it further.

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